Maximising The Value Of Your Used iPad: Tips For Sellers

Are you now looking for ways to part with your old iPad? Whether you have upgraded to the latest version or you no longer feel the need to use an iPad, getting the right amount of money for your old device is still relevant and key!

Now that you’ve landed on this page, you’re probably looking for ways to maximise the value of your device and the best tips to sell used iPad in Chermside. Well, you’re in the right place! We have listed some of the best tips for sellers to get maximum value –

Sell Before Its Too Late

The technological world is rapidly evolving every day, and iPads are no exception. The introduction of a new model can greatly impact the value of older models. Think about strategically scheduling your transaction to maximise its impact. List your iPad, ideally a few weeks ahead of the next generation’s release. This enables you to profit from consumers looking to get a great bargain on a useful gadget.

Be a Picture Perfect Seller 

Another great step to selling your old iPad for maximum profit is uploading quality pictures. After all, online buyers are lured into buying a product if they feel satisfied with the pictures. Take clear, well-lit photos of your used iPad from different angles. Also, capture and upload any unique feature you’re including.

Be Wise When Listing Your Product 

When you plan to sell your iPad in Chermside, listing your product well is vital. Here are a few pointers to keep in mind –

  • Type: Clearly indicate the iPad’s model, storage capacity (e.g., iPad Air 4th Generation), and storage amount (e.g., 256GB).
  • Connectivity: Indicate if your iPad has cellular connectivity in addition to Wi-Fi or just Wi-Fi. Cellular connectivity offers value most of the time.
  • Additions: Make a list of any extras you’re bringing, such as a keyboard cover, pen, or charger.

Make Your iPad Attractive 

Finally, making your iPad attractive is paramount. When you sell iPad in Chermside, keep in mind the following points –

  • Deep Clean: Wipe clean your iPad completely. This covers the sides, the back, and the screen. To avoid scratches, use a microfiber cloth made especially for electronics. Remember to use a can of compressed air to solve any problems with the ports and buttons.
  • Case Up: If you own an iPad, consider including it in the sale. A high-quality case provides value for the customer and demonstrates that you have taken care of your gadget.

Using these tips, you can easily maximise the value of your used iPad and seek it for a worthy price!

Get in Touch With Us Today! 

Platinum Phone Repair is your go-to destination when you’re planning to sell your iPad in Chermside. We have years of experience dealing with old phones and iPads; therefore, trust us that we will provide you with a valuable return! Call us at 0430 204 151 today and get a free quote.